Annual 2018 TALWD Conference was held in Rose City, Tyler, TX

In Early November, WIC Directors from all parts of the state arrived in Tyler, Texas for the 2018 TALWD Annual Meeting.

The conference included several exciting and empowering events such as a trip the Pine Cove for a day filled with a forward-thinking leadership training led by Mr. Brian Brandt CEO of Core Insights.

Mr. Brandt provided the top 20 concepts/ways Creating the Team Culture You Always Wanted. WIC Directors embraced the outdoors with activities including archery, barnyard swing, canoeing, zip line and two activities that involved us being blindfolded. The goals of these activities were to reinforce the importance of effective communication.

Many of us found ourselves laughing and reflecting on how we “thought” we were communicating to our partner just fine, but realizing that sometimes our perception is not reality. Though the conference included fun-filled evening activities, the TALWD Business Meeting and the State Staff Meeting was productive as led by Bertha Amaya in a open discussion about the challenges local agencies were facing.


Annual 2018 TALWD Conference (External URL)

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