Kathryn Almaraz

Kathryn Almaraz
Kathryn Almaraz
Nutrition Education Committee Chair

My personal interest in prenatal and postpartum nutrition brought me to WIC in early 2001.  WIC was a natural fit for me and my love for teaching mothers and children.  I have over these many years enjoyed countless interactions with families through providing high risk nutritional assessments, counseling, coaching, and teaching classes.  As Director now, my role has changed but my love for meeting and teaching families has not diminished.  In addition to being a WIC Director, I serve as my agency’s Nutrition Education Coordinator and SNAP ED advisor.  I love helping others learn about nutrition and self-care.  Aside from being an avid cook, I enjoy moving my body as often as possible by cycling, yoga and weight training.  I look forward to serving TALWD and its members as the Nutrition Education Committee Chair.

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