Alissa Orozco

Alissa Orozco
Central Regional Alternate

My name is Alissa Orozco.  I’ve been the WIC Director for the Williamson County & Cities Health District (WCCHD) WIC Program, LA-042, since December 2018.  I’ve had the honor of working in many capacities at WCCHD WIC since 2011, including WIC Nutritionist/ Certifying Authority, Clinic Team Lead, Quality Management Coordinator, Training Coordinator, Assistant Director, and Director.  I love serving WIC families and I also love serving on the TALWD Board as the Central Region Representative.  I’m a single mother of 2 awesome kids! I have a daughter, Abbey, who is a freshman at Texas A&M and a son, Gunner, in the eighth grade.  Outside of work, I enjoy traveling, spending time with my kids and supporting their extra-curricular activities.

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