Meliza Garcia

Meliza Garcia
Meliza Garcia
Newsletter Reporter

Meliza Garcia, received her Bachelor of Human Science Degree from Texas A&M University Kingsville and is the WIC Director of San Patricio County WIC, LA051. She has been in this position for over 12 years. Along with that, she has served as Planning Committee Chair for the San Patricio County Health Fair for 10 years.

Meliza oversees the operation of 6 clinic sites, a case load of 3200 participants and 12 employees. Throughout her years with SPCWIC, she has served on the Pink Event Committee, Diabetic Support Group Committee, San Patricio County School Health Committee, Family Community Health Committee and has participated in many activities through successful partnerships.

Meliza has been a member of TALWD from the start. She enjoys the comradery that the organization has and appreciates the guidance it gives. Meliza looks forward to continued involvement with the organization and serving as the TALWD Southern Region Representative.

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