Jennifer Ranspot

Jennifer Ranspot
Jennifer Ranspot
2nd Vice President of Program Operations

Jennifer currently serves as the Director for Local Agency 105 – Milam County Health Department.  She oversees two WIC Clinics, in Cameron and Rockdale and serves approximately 800 clients per month.  Jennifer began her WIC career with LA 31 – Bell County Public Health District immediately after graduating from Texas A&M University in December 2000 and started with Milam County in November 2017. 

Jennifer holds a BS in Food Science and Technology with emphasis in Nutrition.  She volunteered in Bell County her last semester at Texas A&M and began working as a full-time Nutritionist/CA upon graduation. In 2009, she became an International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and loves working with moms to help encourage, work through and support them on their breastfeeding journey!  During her tenure at Bell County, she worked her way to leadership positions which included, Training Coordinator, Nutrition Education Coordinator, Quality Assurance Coordinator, and Assistant WIC Director.  In 2017 when she came to Milam County, she was hired as WIC Director and continues to wear many of the same hats as listed above, since it is a small agency.  She is responsible for administrative as well as clinical duties daily and enjoys the challenge of changing roles often, during the day/week!Jennifer joined the Texas Association of Local WIC Directors (TALWD) in December 2017 and has enjoyed attending Annual Meetings and being the Central Regional Representative since 2021.  She also likes to remain active on the various committees of TALWD.

Jennifer has been married to her husband, Michael, since 2000 and they have three young boys, Grady, Gage and Gus.  They are very active and attend St. Paul Lutheran School where Jennifer is a member of the PTF. She is also a member of the Family and Community Health (FCH) Committee for Milam County - Texas A&M Agri-Life Extension and helps to promote involvement in the community.

Jennifer enjoys working with and supporting families in the community so that they can have healthier pregnancies and children, and more successful breastfeeding experiences.

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